The painters’ canvas is too stiff. I have a feeling that the stone is very cold; the wood warm; the iron sharp, and the video manipulative. These are just momentary bursts of emotions… What seems to be unconventional material, for a second year has been dragged, stretched, pulled, tightened up, all while admiring to every little fold created by two or more points. Lycra… or Spandex is the material that has allowed me with its stretching and tightening up, to present the pressure that can be felt throughout modern living. We are surrounded by too many served information that we should swallow and that tell us every day about how we should act or what we should do. Enrolled in different forms and colors, they discover to us the most wanted secrets of success towards which we should aspire. What is decent, and what is normal life? What is bad and what is good for our health? Different analysis and research supplement industrialism and its profit. Stretched between information and doubt of truth, exposed to everyday pressure that creates new folds in a different shape or a different color, a new conscious and unconscious composition is formed about our own existence and surroundings. With every stretch between two or more things, the lycra defines or even covers up, creating misticity for the thing. The created folds, the coloristic and intensive pearly tones cheat the view holding it to the surface of the work. That way the visual vibration is delimited in it’s and own curiosity and perception. Therefore, neither the work nor the spectator is exposed in entity. Only one short and surface sensation fulfilled with subliminal memory, passes through and disappears in one interspace of tensioned void. Read more